The biggest archaeological complex in the Circeo is Villa di Domiziano. The tour will take place inside the villa, set on a beautiful peninsula on the Lake Paola. The site, partly still to be excavated, is completely enclosed in an area covering approx. 46 hectares.
It will be possible to visit two different areas:
– the thermal – bathing area represented by a series of interchangeable rooms, joined by two corridors. This area was once separated in three in the typical calidarium-tepidarium-frigidarium fashion (hot, lukewarm, cold) forming a compact block with all the other areas, including a big arcade gym.
– the site of the central tanks (the west-central part of the villa) is the peculiarity of the Villa di Domiziano. The fact the villa was built away from a stream meant the necessity to create a rather complex water supply system, providing for every day needs as well as a long dry season.
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