Inside the factory of Borgo Panigale, over a 1000 sq metre area, it’s possible to rivisit the history of the Ducati competions. The Museum Ducati has been designed to offer the visitor a double prospect: on one side, the bikes have been arranged in chronological order following a circular path; on the other side, six rooms contain very detailed information on the different historical eras. Opened on 16 October 1998, Museo Ducati gathers information on over half a century of competitions, and most of the history of the Factory of Borgo panigale, founded by the Ducati brothers in 1926. From the Cucciolo (Puppy model to the more recent Desmosedici, the story of the bikes is collected in a rather original setting, distinguished by a huge red central helmet, crowned by 33 mithycal bikes and set on an illuminated track.
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